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1st Anniversary Gifts for Him

1st Anniversary Gifts for Him
1st Anniversary Gifts for Him
One year has already passed for your toddler! An important date for you, and for him, that deserves to be celebrated as it should be. Here are our tips to organize a party for him and his tastes.

What can we do for his first anniversary?

Your child is still too small to be alert and active a whole afternoon of activities, but nothing prevents you to invite one or two children of his age (children or friends in the kindergarten) at home. Just make sure he does not drag for he does not get tired. One or two hours, it is already good.

For this party to be successful, try working on decorating the party place with a few balloons and maybe few banners, the more it is colorful, the more he will love it! For animations, go straight to something essential to him: his favorite games and some rhymes will make him completely happy. At this age, he is indeed very sensitive to music and can appreciate typing by his hands and playing with small instruments.

He goes to the nursery? Why not bring a cake? Most institutions allow that. Talk to the manager just before taking any initiative because some institutions prefer a packaged cake, to ensure the quality of ingredients (and prevent possible allergies). Do the same if he goes to the nanny.

Truck Carrier or Aircraft Games:

These are pretty anniversary gifts for a one year old baby. They are also good for family outings to the park. The first time, you can use them as baby walking helpers for them to learn how to walk. The aircraft model is special for the baby, it makes music, light, and it’s really very funny! But note that it is noisy

While previously, the baby can literally consume books (meaning he absorbs them for good), he finally understands the pleasure of turning pages and tells stories...

We rely on the books of Mickey (his hero) and including interactive books, which allow him to listen to the story while admiring the drawings. He likes a lot and often falls asleep flipping him in bed.
Games to shape forms

At this age, the baby loves to exercise fine motor skills, a little each day.
Rubik's forms or workbook is a great tool to do, and it is also convenient to store, a must have! There is even talking model and bilingual one.
A small computer

Yes I know, it seems a little early, but love it! It supports everywhere, he does not yet understand the instructions given by the computer to toy, but he can reply in his own language. The baby computer folds and walks everywhere.
Capture the moment

If you will remember all your life this special day, consider all the same to take some shots for your child to watch when he's older. Prefer a camera phone, the quality is better if you want to develop or print them.

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