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Original Anniversary Gifts for Men

Original Anniversary Gifts for Men
Original Anniversary Gifts for Men
The traditional gifts everywhere are getting old and kind of expected, so if you want to surprise your man, you have got to be creative. Get him something that he loves and yet didn't see it coming. Actually I might be able to help you with that because I have some brand new ideas to share with you today.

Original ideas

Try to get in touch with one of his old school or college buddies because these guys know everything about your husband or boyfriend, so they will be eager to lend a hand by giving you some ideas or advices that you could use to surprise him. For example: if your husband likes to play games but doesn't have Xbox or a PlayStation you could get him a device as a present and he will adore you for it because you just read his mind and men love that.

Another thing, you could ask his old friends about his hobbies at college for example if he used to play guitar a long time ago but he forgot all about it, you could get him a guitar and ask him to play your favorite song, it's just so romantic and he will appreciate your efforts which will make him love you even more.

Most men love to watch sports on TV or listen to it on the satellite radio. In order to watch his favorite game or listen to it on the radio he will need a subscription for that, and here comes your chance of getting him something special and original and he already loves it; it will be like winning the lottery for him, trust me.

A lot of women give their partners a photo frame in their anniversary and as I mentioned earlier it's kind of expected, so how about this idea of making things interesting a little bit and instead of a photo frame you can get him an electronic photo album where the pictures change and you control what is shown. It is really a good idea and even he can take it to work with him just to see his memories with you and that will increase the love between you and him.

Another idea is getting him something rare and unique and not everybody has it such as if your husband or boyfriend likes to collect stuff and he is missing a piece of the collection and he has been trying so hard to get it and couldn’t, something that’s not on eBay or anywhere else.

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