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Secrets of men: 7 things they want us to know


Secrets of men: 7 things they want us to know
The secrets that men hide are more revealing than you think. And best of all: they want to shout it to our ears immediately. 7 secrets of men you should know.

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1. "I do not feel good, do you consent?": Men like to talk about their feelings as much as we do. What they do not like is to ask for it with a little puppy dog ​​face. They prefer to talk indirectly about the subject, such as "who don't want the thing." That of asking "how you feel" is more important than you think. The emotional support you offer them is crucial for what seems like an "iron heart." Find the right moment: a romantic dinner, a chat session after sex, a weekend lunch or one of those casual visits in your living room, where there is time to talk about anything.

2. Incognito hero: In the best style of the mothers of yesteryear, a man chooses to express his affection through actions. Hence, they like to be "the heroes" before any difficulty that comes our way; in fact, before it becomes a difficulty, they prefer to intervene and help their damsel in distress, although we are not.

3. Commitment does matter to them: Many believe that more than interest, commitment awakens horror in any man. The truth is that once you catch them, they take marriage very seriously. Why? 90% of men feel confident about themselves and their future from the moment they infer with whom they will share the rest of their lives.

4. They do not say anything, but ... they are listening to us: Incredible but true. Do not ask for explanations or opinions when you tell them something just nod their head. Men like to listen carefully before issuing some kind of concept. That's why they let you talk and talk, making you believe they're thinking about everything except focusing on you. Do you want to be heard? Respect that silence, because they are doing it.

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5. They need a time for them: Give them space. Not always that they move away from you, they want to spend it with their friends or locked in their computer. They also enjoy leisure and free time alone. Men take great advantage of the moments in which they can cultivate their individuality, and that includes from locking themselves in their room to resting until they go on a weekend to do sports on their own.

6. His father figure is paramount: Of such a father, such a son. If you really want to know how to act in a relationship and how your partner could be in your role as dad, give yourself the task of interacting with your father-in-law. Men learn from the treatment of women, children and work from their father's example.

7. Suffer from anxiety for their physique: Although it is a phenomenon that becomes more visible with the passage to adulthood, they also have what is known as "performance anxiety": much of their ego is defined by their physical potency and his masculinity reflected in an optimal physical state, technique and capacity for resistance. This also moves to the bed, that's why all the scandal revolves around acceptable performance or rapid exhaustion at the time of sex.

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