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4 Surprising 1st Year Anniversary Gifts For Him

4 Surprising 1st Year Anniversary Gifts For Him

4 Surprising 1st Year Anniversary Gifts For Him

Are you thinking what is the best 1st year anniversary gifts for him? It is always an important decision to decide the best gift, that is why we are going to help you choose an unforgettable detail for the person you love. If you have no idea where to start and you want to surprise your partner on this special date, keep reading because we tell you what is the best 1st year anniversary gifts for him. And you will see how you will be very pleasantly surprised with the ideas we propose to you.

Steps to follow:

1. A great way to make a gift to your partner is to create a coupon booklet, and you can be as creative as you want. You can make a list of activities and things that your partner loves. This supports many options such as video games, sports, movies, food, or even outdoor activities.

You can also include activities that you can do as a couple and that you are excited about, and even a plan only with your friends. With that list, you can create your very special gift coupons. For example, one of the coupons can say: "This coupon gives you the right to enjoy the massage you want and for as long as you want."

2. If your boy loves cars, you can look for some kind of accessory for his car. You can choose to renew the sound system and install a device of the latest technology, with a good radio receiver, speakers or amplifiers are very good alternatives to give to your partner.

If you are a lover of gadgets, you can buy accessories for your iPhone, mp3 and iPad that you can mount in your car. If for example, you know that your boy would like to repaint his car in a very special way you could design something nice and propose a change as an anniversary present.

3. You should regularly try to surprise your partner on the anniversary. There is nothing like a surprise as a gift. A good idea is to think about a getaway to a place that makes you very excited and take care of everything. Do not tell him the destination and take charge of the hotel reservation and other activities.

You can also surprise him by taking him to a very special concert with hotel night included. If you know that he likes Japanese food, you could order a catering and organize an oriental-themed dinner at home.

4. Another way to make a great gift to your partner is to think about some sports activity that you are passionate about and prepare everything well. It can be driving a Ferrari, tickets to a Formula 1 event, taking it to an interesting soccer game, or even signing up for diving lessons.

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